Chris Spiegelman

Photo of Chris Spiegelman
As a proud member of the LGTBQ community, I've always been respected, supported, and valued by our inclusive culture.
Greenwich, Connecticut
Managing Director & AIF Client Group Leader
University of Buffalo, BS (Accounting)
Employee since:

Good Advice

Ask for help! Always remember you are not in alone at work or in life.


What is your current role?

I’m the current national Client Group Leader for the Alternative Investment Funds practice here at Andersen. I have over 30 years of tax experience, including extensive knowledge of alternative investments, partnership taxation and real estate taxation.

What is your specialty?

I focus on assisting investment partnerships with tax planning and compliance, fund structuring and fund accounting and administration.

What groups or causes do you support at Andersen or within your community?

I serve on Andersen’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board and enjoy building an environment that truly advocates creating an inclusive culture that connects us all. I fully support both constructing inclusive workplace policies and facilitating meaningful opportunities for employee engagement, so that you feel valued and respected by all.

Describe your career path and why you chose Andersen:

Before joining Andersen, I was the Tax Director for a private equity and hedge fund firm that encompassed a variety of investment strategies including buyouts, mezzanine financing and venture capital. Prior to that, I was with PwC’s Financial Services Industry Group in New York. I chose Andersen because of the culture, people and the opportunity the firm’s growth would provide me and others.

What is a valuable lesson that you’ve learned in your career?

Building and maintaining strong relationships is the key to success.

How has Andersen set you up for success?

By allowing me to explore and participate in things that I enjoy such as teaching, DE&I and recruiting. My role is not stagnant, and I appreciate that.

More About Chris

Favorite hobby and/or interests outside of the office (ex: sports, travel, music, family, food, art, etc.)?

Broadway and live theater. Nothing transports me out of my world like a live show.

Best piece of advice (life, career, etc.)?

Ask for help! Always remember you are not in it alone at work or in life.